KBS2 Drama – Manhole : Wonderland’s Pil / 맨홀 : 이상한 나라의 필 OST
Bong-Pil (Kim Jae-Joong) has been preparing for his civil servant exam for the past 3 years. He becomes disappointed that his lifelong friend Soo-Jin (Uee) will soon get married since he has loved her in vain for the past 28 years. He then falls into a manhole and travels through time.
Check out the OST from this hit drama series.
100% Authentic KBS2 Drama Product
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Weight : 700g
Track List:
01. 비행기 (Feat. 하야나) [루이(긱스)]
02. 너의 앞으로 [수윤(로열파이럿츠)]
03. 말해줘 [산들(B1A4)]
04. 쉿! 비밀인데 [노르웨이 숲]
05. RUN A WAY [유키스]
06. 너에게 [김이지 (꽃잠프로젝트)]
07. STAY WITH ME [김지수]
08. 사랑이 찾아와 [마크툽]
09. WITH YOU [케빈 오]
01. 맨홀속으로
02. 순수청년 봉필
03. Don’t go baby [Feat. 회장님] – 임직원일동
04. 달려라, 봉필! [Feat. 회장님] – 임직원일동
05. 봉쓰 패밀리
06. Feel So Sexy
07. 이상한 나라의 필 (사탕요정의 춤)
08. 나지막히 너를 부를 때