Cheat Skill Level Up – Light Novel
Since the past, Yuuya Tenjou has been a victim of bullying. He resides in his adored grandfather’s house while attending school. He experiences the typical severe abuse, and he misses a lot of school to give himself some time to recover.
During his extended absence, he uses the chance to tidy his grandpa’s home and visits a room he has never been to, where his grandfather stored a variety of items that he had collected during his global trips. He discovered an entrance that wasn’t on a wall while he was organizing the items. He opens this door out of interest, and what he discovered on the other side was…
This is the physical copy of the Cheat Skill Level Up light novel.
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Alternative Names:
이세계에서 치트 스킬을 얻은 나는 현실 세계에서도 무쌍한다
Author: Kuwashima Rein
Size: 120 mm x 180 mm x 20 mm
Language: Korean
Volume 1
ISBN13: 9791138024334
ISBN10: 1138024333
Page: 264
First edition limited (While Stocks Last): Ribbon + Illustration Card (Book and Wrapping)